Life is a journey with God and we sprout to live in the world temporarily. Life is from God and our extinction evolve from Him. He is the Alpha and Omega. Our life in this world has a beginning and an end because we are Spiritual being that has only given the privilege to travel to see the wonders of the creation of our Heavenly Father to live and explore and become Co – creator of our Heavenly Father to take care the life that our Almighty Father have created. As you heard, Jesus Christ said that his kingdom is not here on earth but in heaven. Our body is from the earth and our life is from heaven. The soul which is our life and Spirit that we have received from the Holy Spirit because this was been concieved and born in the Spirit of the Holy Spirit once it has departed from our bodies this will return to Spirit and will face judgment according to our faith and deeds that we have done while we are in the earth. Therefore while we are in the earth we should humble ourselves to honour the Holy Spirit in our body. This blog will be created to pass the message of the Holy Spirit whom is our Almighty Father to know Him more deeply and to know who is the Holy Spirit in Jesus life. Knowing the Holy Spirit is like finding heaven here on earth and the Holy Spirit will bless us all to have a peaceful, joyful, content and fulfilled life.

Life in three parts will gives you wisdom to have a better understanding your purpose why you are here in the world and will help you as well to renew your mind to redirect your path to the way that we should go to become one body and one Spirit with Jesus Christ honouring the Holy Spirit whom is our Almighty Father and Lord in our body.

(Matthew 6:19-21) Do not store up treasure for yourself here on earth, where moth and rust can destroy it, and where thieves can steal it. Store up treasure for yourself with God, where no moth or rust can destroy it, nor thief come and steal it. For where your treasure is, there also your heart will be. Bear in mind that we humans are not living alone by bread but with the presence of the Holy Spirit that is indwelling in our body. The Holy Spirit and our soul dwells in our body together this is why Jesus said the Father and the son always goes together.


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